GTA Content Creator Crews (GCCC)
Joining the Forums
Our forums are free to join and we welcome all creators who adhere to our communication rules to share creators tips, videos and otherwise use our site. You do not need to be part of any of our crews or affiliates to use these forums. However please be careful about submitting jobs to events in the Share Sections as these are (almost always) crew and affiliates only!
Joining our crews
Our PS5 Crew and PS4 crew are both application only! This means you must create a post in the welcome board in order to be accepted to the crew, as well as making sure your social club profile settings are visible described below. Due to the amount of requests on social club (and poor mass admin functionality) we will likely ignore all join requests made via social club!
The other GTA Content Creator crews are invite only but are also inundated with requests so if you want to join the best, and quickest, way to join is through creating a welcome topic. No matter which crew you join we pick friendly players with visible profiles who want to help their fellow creators. Please check if you meet these simple requirements first!
Most of our crews periodically kick inactive members (that's those that no longer play GTA, we don't require members to be constantly tagged up as GCCC), focusing on muscle ranks, so if you're looking to avoid being kicked simply create a welcome topic, "like" our rules and claim your representive rank.
Before Joining
- 1. Set your profile visibility to "everyone"
- 2. Link your account for your chosen console to social club(e.g PlayStation Network for PS3 and PS4 crews, Xbox Live account for Xbox and XB1 crews)
- 3. Set the visibility of your linked account to "everyone"
- 4. Set your wall visibility to "everyone" or "friends & crew"
- 5. Set your game stats visibilty to "everyone"
- 6. Agree to our crew rules.
You are then free to create a short welcome topic so we can process your request.
After Joining
- 1. You are free to set your profile, game stats, wall and linked account visibility to "friends & crew".
- 2. We strongly encourage you to Create custom content for your platform, share it to our events via your platforms share section and/or simply join our events / other crew members to enjoy our custom content. The more you Create, Share, Play the more you'll enjoy the crew.
- 3. Check out our events for your console on the crew's social club page and be a good sport to earn your promotion to Representative and then Lieutenant. The more you Create, Share, Play the higher rank you'll obtain (catching a pattern here?)
- 4. Help out in events (from hosting rhe whole event, hosting a second lobby, attendee lists to sharing streams), write useful constructive reviews and you have a chance of becoming Commissioners. That's how they got there.
We appreciate everyone who provides a active positive influence in the crew. The action & fun is quite literally made by you!
Changing Platforms?
We operate one crew per platform so it's easy to find players and creations you can play with. You can probably move straight over to Content Creators PS4, Content Creators XB1 or Content Creators PC crews.
Check your settings meet the above minimum joining requirements. Member ranks transer over to new consoles so it's worth staying with GCCC even when you change platforms. Just make sure to claim your new rank and ask to join one of the above crews. We appreciate the loyalty.
Our Affiliate System
We also operate a affiliate system in order to Create, Share & Play with even more crews (particularly on particular ideas or events). We aim to treat people tagged up with one of our affiliate tags as we would any of our own crew members as long as they follow our crew rules while within our events and using our forums. While within their own crews & events we aim to ensure our members do likewise!
Our affiliates work independently from GCCC otherwise, with crews processing member requests and everything else seperately from GCCC. We encourage you check our these crews as safe spaces within GTA online each offering something slightly different from GCCC (although we of course hope you also stay with us!)
We are usually happy to work with crews who share our ethos of Create, Share, Play in someway, have similar rules and wish to colleberate with us in a mutually beneficial way. If you wish you become a affiliate contact a crew leader or commissioner on the platform you wish you affiliate with.